Your Contribution Can Create a Lasting Legacy
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My Request in a Nutshell...

Here's the Problem We're Trying to Fix:

With your generous donation we can immediately add this new Strategic Lane to the Creative Career Highway - which will immediately reduce current (and future) traffic jams in the Crisis Lane.

Will You Be Our Benefactor?

We are raising $1 million.
Donations are 100% tax deductible.
This funds 300 annual program participants indefinitely.

A Self-Sustaining Future

Your contribution is more than just a temporary intervention. A $1 million donation allows the scholarship program to become self-sustaining (with no additional funding required), ensuring its impact endures and expands for many years to come.

How You Can Help:

We are accepting donations in multiples of $50K. Scholarship program naming rights are available should you choose to fully fund the $1 million amount.

The Program

If you'd like to read about the extensive education, guidance and support scholarship recipients will receive in the Financial Empowerment Program, you can do so here.

If You Are Interested...

It would be my pleasure to have a "no obligation implied" conversation, during which I can answer your questions, and also share the program budget and revenue model that charts the program's path to full self-sufficiency.

Please email [email protected] and we'll set up a time to talk.
miata about w credt

Miata Edoga

CEO & Founder

Miata Edoga is the CEO and Founder of Abundance Bound.
For over two decades, she has been helping actors, artists, entrepreneurs and non-traditional earners of all kinds, establish a healthier, more compassionate relationship with their money – whether they are just starting out, or starting over, or starting to wonder how they should handle their growing wealth.
She created The Financial Empowerment Program, which, over the years, has provided hundreds of creative souls with ongoing support and a specific, step-by-step process to significantly improve their financial situation – giving them more time, energy, and freedom to focus on their biggest goals and dreams.
Fueled by a strong belief that financial education empowers people to live their very best lives, Miata has shared her signature talks, seminars, and workshops at conferences, schools, companies, and organizations around the country, including: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Television Academy, the Writers Guild of America, the Directors Guild Foundation, the Screen Actors Guild, and the Center for Cultural Innovation, Yale University, NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, Columbia University, and the California Institute of the Arts, among many others.
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Hear From Some of Our Graduates

I wasn't able to thank you with the utmost gratitude for your incredible program. It has already helped me in so many ways and couldn't have been happier that I was able to participate. Thank you again.
I am joining the program from Germany, so I am 9 hours ahead. So far all the sessions and videos are amazing and helpful and my relationship with money is slowly changing, I can already feel it happening. All the best from Berlin!
Thank you! Amazing class today. On behalf of my DGA colleagues, this is an incredible gift to us. Much gratitude!
I just want to share a victory - for the first time in my relationship I was able to talk with my partner about money with ease, clarity, curiosity, and even a sense of play. We have turned a corner because of this Money Management course. You have offered a language that both of us truly understand and agree on! It's thrilling. And I am excited about reframing money as opportunity instead of something to fear. Thank you so much! I'll sing your praises everywhere!
I wanted to drop you a line and say thank you. Back in 2020 I took your class through the Actors Fund, and it was truly the first time in my life where I ever thought of my relationship with money as something within my power to change. And though it took me some time to be able to fully focus on creating that positive change for myself, I'm beyond grateful to be here. The work you do is invaluable. I'm sure you know that already. But I figure it can't hurt to hear it again. So thrilled to jump into the Financial Empowerment Program and grow in abundance!
Thank you so much for all of your beautiful work! I have gotten SO SO SO much out of this course so far. I swear, I am looking differently at my books and my future and my freedom (yes, I discovered I actually have a measure of financial freedom just by organizing and shifting just a few things!). I'm sure a ton of people are heaping praise on you, and I am adding my loud voice to that chorus. THANK YOU!
I’m really enjoying our class each week and very thankful for you and your team. This has been a weird financial year, but I already feel more organized and inspired.
I just wanted to write and say THANK YOU! The timing of this class has been remarkable. I have been struggling with my finances and have not made my tax deadlines in 3 years. And before that I was just barely making it. I never started tracking. Partially because I didn’t feel I had to. I could always pay my bills and frankly I didn’t want to spend the little spare time I had dealing with it. Every time I sat down to deal with my taxes, there has been shame, fear, and paralysis. Pre-covid, I would sit with my accountant and he and I would go through everything together. And even then I was alway a little lost in those meetings. I lacked financial literacy. With this class the paralysis has ended. Everyday I work on my class work and my taxes. I have finally created a sustainable filing system. What I have also learned is that I really enjoy & miss learning about money! I love the holistic approach toward understanding and recognition that there is a lot of baggage in doing this work. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
I want to start off by saying THANK YOU. This has been the best class I’ve taken in a long time. I started getting serious about my finances in 2019. I read books, saw financial planners, and started investing. I also found it frustrating though because no one talked to me from an artist's point of view. I am learning so much, and I really feel I am taking my financial knowledge and independence to the next level.
This class has been very helpful to me and came at the absolute perfect time. I am on a financial awakening journey, determined to become more in control of our financial situation. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster for us for the past 5 years and I have a lot of shame and regret about how I handled things. I’m trying to let that go moving forward. I feel I’m in a pivotal time of making some bigger financial decisions in my life and this guidance is an enormous help.
I've missed the last couple of classes, but I'm catching up on recordings and looking forward to our last week. This class has been extraordinary! Thank you so much.
This class is really useful and I'm glad the DGA is sponsoring it. It’s nice to visually see where my money “issues" are. Numbers don’t lie, and we can’t separate clearly knowing from doing, right?
This class is really useful and I'm glad the DGA is sponsoring it. It’s nice to visually see where my money “issues" are. Numbers don’t lie, and we can’t separate clearly knowing from doing, right?
I thought I was already really organized before, but doing the work from this course really helped me see where every dollar I spend is going. I know now how to plan ahead for the future, especially when my income is inconsistent on a monthly basis. I've never carried any credit card debt, but this course has given me the tools to know how best I can help the people closest to me manage their debt and create pay off plans. I was skeptical about if this course would benefit me at first, but it was offered at the perfect time and I figured "why not?" I'm so glad I did, and I would recommend this course to anyone regardless of their financial situation. I've been able to apply what we've discussed to other aspects of my life too, including setting goals with personal deadlines, and knowing what exactly is "enough" for me. It's also inspired me to continue reading about money management, and become comfortable having difficult conversations about money.
Abundance Bound is changing my life. I have so much more power around my finances right now, it's crazy!! :) I just have completely changed my mindset since coming to Abundance Bound. You are a serious force to be reckoned with and I am so grateful to you for shining your light in this world!!!!!
I have been in your program for over a year and I truly appreciate the effort and love you have put into helping us have a healthy relationship with our financial abundance. There are no judgments, and this is very crucial to my mental health. They are always open and receptive to where we are at. I continue to take the Money Mindset and Money Management Live courses every time they open. I still don’t have my numbers, but I know that I will get there. Thank you again, lots of joy!
It is difficult to put into words the impact your teaching and caring has made on my relationship with money - yes - but more so with myself. How taking good care of finances has made me take better care of myself in other areas. Thank you! I want to tell all my fellow artists that the processes work. I have put them in play whenever possible - and they work!
You are a precious gem, great in teaching, and so patient. You turned my whole attitude around the way I dealt with my money/finances. Thank you again!!!
I wanted to thank you so much. Since starting the program this summer I have raised my credit 100 points. I am now in the good range. It feels fabulous and I am so excited to continue on the journey. Thank you so much for all your knowledge. Looking forward to learning more from you.
Just want to share good news. I was able to focus and pay off my smaller student loans in October and it just showed on my FedLoan account! Yay! It was about $5K. Thanks for your sage advice. It was very hard to let go of that lump sum but well worth it. The feeling of getting that “paid in full” email was like a weight had lifted. AMAZING! I also paid off my cell phone balance so I now fully own my iPhone X. Again, I truly appreciate you and wish you a life of great abundance. You are a champion of life and liberty.
I want to thank you for helping empower me through my financial health, without which I would not have been able to entirely fund and executive produce this film by myself. It was so liberating to know exactly how much of my resources I could allocate and to feel confident each time I wrote a check that I was spending it on something that truly mattered to me. I can't tell you how many times I have spoken your name with jubilation as I whole-heartedly recommend you to my friends. Please let me know if there is any other way I can support the visions for your company. I would love to collaborate in sharing your message and curriculum in any way I can.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for such a fantastic class today! I've listened to a bunch of podcast episodes you've been on so your work has been on my radar for a while and I've been wanting to take the class for a long time! I'm so glad I was finally about to do it. For me, having tangible steps to move forward always feels like the most massive exhale and, in all my Type-A glory, I love having a project! I'm looking forward to diving into the work and creating a more stable and sustainable future!
I wanted to let you know that I am so thankful to you for this class and everything that you do for artists. You are truly a gift and bring integrity to our profession. My experience with this class has been a huge revelation. It was the perfect combination of being on the brink of quitting Acting altogether, struggling with my motivation in my side job and wondering if it was worth spending most of my last two years paying to be on the sidelines of my career because I no longer had the financial security. I truly thought that there was no longer a way to be an artist AND have the other good things in life and the sacrifice was becoming one sided. With this class I made some major life cuts and I’m hoping to stay in the game. I decided to temporarily leave LA during Covid and put my rent money toward debts. I certainly would not have been so bold had it not been for knowing exactly where I stood financially because of your class.
Can I just say how awesome you are? I want to thank you for gently leading us down this organized path. I am far from finishing the homework you gave us over the past 6 weeks but I have started to do my lists with an eye on streamlining and automating my budget. It’s very exciting to know that I can do this! ‘The Simple Path to Wealth’ just arrived that I will keep at my bedside. Right now I'm listening to you talk about the ‘basket spreading out the risk’. It’s awesome how you explain things!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You are a really empowering and engaging teacher; thank you for helping me turn a page in my financial life. I went through about 2 years of income and spending to log in my workbook as my finances vary much more on a bi-yearly scale for which 6 months wouldn't really account. I learned a lot about myself doing this and already feel like I now have a sense of my habits and needs, which gives me a clearer path towards budgeting sensibly for the future and also eliminating the holes in my boat so to speak. :) I wish you well and thank you again. I have recommended you to several artist friends of mine already.
Thank you so very much for today's workshop!! I love your energy and soaked up all the valuable information you gave us. I'm excited to continue on and learn more from you. You've given me hope and light to my financial future!! Thank you ...thank you..thank you!!!
Thanks to all I’ve learned from you so far, my husband and I have paid off over 40k in student loans and high interest credit card debt! Woohoo!
Thank You. Even though I'm weighing all the uncertainties during this time, I'm able to be at ease because of the work you've guided me through the last year. The past year was an extremely challenging time for me and I'm super grateful that I've done the work and continue to do so with the tools you shared. Because of the things you taught me, I entered the week clear on my numbers and maintained my weekly finance date this afternoon even though I knew more money went out versus coming in. Honestly, nothing beats the feeling of ease I have in this moment due to our work together, my unwavering Faith and new understanding of what it truly means to take powerful action for my Life.
A note to send you my heartfelt gratitude for the resources and the calm that you present for our Abundance Bound group. We benefit from your lessons and meetings. Together we will come out of this; to create a new normal and bring about positive change.
Wow...I don’t even know how to process everything that’s happened within the last few days. I got into a car accident and ended up purchasing a new car last week 😬. (FYI I’m upside down and I’ve never had a car loan). And I work for a very small business and was told by my boss that she won’t let me go right away, but that my time at the company would most likely come to an end very soon. But, I just wanted to thank you for sharing all your knowledge and wisdom. I’m so thankful that I know where I stand financially and am able to make choices based on the hard and honest facts. I’m worried, but not nearly as worried as I would be if I hadn't been in your class. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Just wanted to say thank you! Because of you I now have some savings and knowledge to act and restructure my finances right away. I'm gonna face a hard hard time but you made the burden a little easier.
I am so grateful for you for inspiring me to really take charge and get my financial life together. After doing my 6 month statement categorizing, I already feel empowered to make smarter, more intentional choices moving forward. Thank you so much!
I want to start off by saying THANK YOU. This has been the best investment I have made in a long time. I started getting serious about my finances in 2019. I read books, saw financial planners, started investing. I also found it frustrating though because no one talked to me from an artist's point of view. I am learning so much, and really feel I am taking my financial knowledge and independence to the next level.
You are heaven-sent. Thank you for the awareness you’ve given me about the paperwork, organization, and preparation it takes to build solvency and wealth. I’ve moved from the debt cycle to the wealth cycle since taking your class. At least in the credit card department. (I’m still chipping away slowly on my student loans.) I started my S-Corp last month too! Thanks for all of your encouragement! I’m so grateful for you!
Thank you Miata! Had a productive Saturday filing! I let go of soooo much in the filing cabinet and straightened files I had put off. Moved onto setting up electronic folders then downloading financial files. Discovered a missing bank statement from this year’s May so will reach out to the bank when I’m done and I now know it is the only statement missing. Amazing how much lighter I am feeling! Had to share the news! Thank you for the tools and guidance!
I can't thank you enough for this completely life changing class. You are so wonderful. You make all my financial goals seem possible and I so appreciate the care and passion you bring to your teaching. I plan on recommending so many people to Abundance Bound.
Wow! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your positive energy, lack of judgment and spin on finances really resonates with me. As someone who wants to be mindful of my carbon footprint I frequently think about and evaluate relationships I’m in with things in my physical space but it never occurred to me to apply the concept of a relationship to my finances. I can’t tell you how impressed I am at how far your relationship with money has come from the story you told about having 11 side hustles and almost missing the curtain for gas money. At points in your presentation I was almost moved to tears by your passion for and understanding of the specific financial challenges of the Entertainment Industry. You made me remember how much I love finances and how little I’ve nurtured that relationship, and really taken it for granted in the last few years. I was able to stay financially afloat as an actor with a side job (doing actor’s taxes) for 13 years when I was single but after I got married I didn’t put in the work to grow and develop my relationship with money so that I had a forecast and a plan (and boundaries) that would adapt into my marriage and account for the time and financial demands of becoming a mom. But I’m determined and inspired by listening to you to get to work on my financial relationship and get myself and my family back to a place I am comfortable with financially. I want to learn everything you are teaching.
I wanted to share that I’ve just made my very first investment in my very first retirement account. I’m so proud of me... But I couldn’t have done any of it without YOU!
I will forever be grateful that I discovered Abundance Bound. My wife and I have just purchased our first home, a goal that I set when I began reading books recommended in the program. I gained a clear set of tools not just for managing my money, but more importantly, my mindset in really, truly, pursuing an abundant life, rich in the things that matter most to me. To say this learning has changed my life is a dramatic understatement. I've transformed through this work from a freelance Actor / Photographer who had difficulty getting a loan for a used car to a creative professional who is confident and organized in their financial situation with multiple streams of revenue. Thank you Abundance Bound for giving me the tools and mindset to make my life free and beautiful.
Thank you so much. You are seriously changing my life. I have always been so scared of money and now I am just brimming with excitement and possibilities. You are a gift to the world!
Thank you for such a great program and for dedicating your time to other artists. I’ve learned so much and am excited to continue my financial knowledge. I recommend your courses to every actor I know!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and skills to help us make better decisions with our money matters! I'm so excited about the direction my financial future is taking. I love moving my money around and seeing it compartmentalized in different areas. Before, everything was coming out of one account and I just didn't take it seriously. The simple act of giving my cash flow purpose makes me want to save more and see each of these new areas grow. In just a short while I've been able to come face to face with my spending habits and redirect them into habits that feel more mature and logical and "big-picture". I'm kinda obsessed. And I love it. Thank you again for everything you do. You are like some kind of magical money wizard.
Because of your program, I now know what it means to build a business from a place of strength, as I build my creative career ahead of me. All I can say is thank you, thank you, and thank you. I don't think you could ever know how much of a blessing you are to me in my life, and I am sure many others. I am forever grateful for your kindness, wisdom, vulnerability and leadership. You were one of the first people since I began my career that said, with hard work it is possible. Like you always say, being an artist is a choice. And I am happy I have chosen to go after my dream, put together a plan and live in power.